Rubber Stamps & Engraving

Mabula Incentive Getaway

Mabula Incentive Getaway

By Lynn van den Berg

Trotec Staff were set a target to sell 10 machines in a month or to reach what we thought was a really difficult money target.

Imagine our surprise when they delivered on this target. So we delivered on the promise. The prize was a weekend away in the bush at Mabula. Francoise loves Elephants – like seriously loves elephants so we set out to find these. It was a little more difficult than the proverbial needle in a haystack. Made even more difficult by the fact that our ranger had a serious hangover (as diagnosed by the non-drinking Kelly!).

Despite not seeing elephants and dealing with a grumpy Ranger, we had a great time. Coffee and Rusks eased the pain. We played table tennis with Marula fruit squishing under our feet, Archery (won by Kelly who got the only bullseye), putt-putt (the rain got us there!) Lots of laughter and the best pizza braai pie made by Pieter. A real treat was having a visit by baby Warthog after breakfast. They left full of apples and bacon.

Gugu was not able to join us for the weekend as she had to qualify for the Comrades Marathon. We are so proud of her for her dedication to her sport. Well done Gugu – she was missed. Read more about her adventure here:

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